Grouting or clay leaf bowl

This is a unique artpiece that is easy to make and also looks great. It's a great trend these days so I decided to make one. Try one today and you won't regret. So let's get started.

You will need:-
1. Grouting mix(left out or mix fresh by mixing with water. Do not use bare hands) or air dry clay
2. A leaf
3. Plastic wrap
4. A bowl
5. Paint

Let's begin:-
1. Wash the leaf and Pat dry.

2. Spread a newspaper and put the plastic wrap. Then put the leaf to it inverted.
3. Now put the grouting mix evenly to the leaf with the help of a spoon.

4. Now again put a plastic wrap to it.
5. Now take a bowl and put the leaf by giving it a desired shape. The plastic wrap helps you give a desired shape.

6. Leave for a day to dry.
7. Then take it out. Gently remove the plastic and the leaf.

8. Leave for another day. Keep watering it 4-5 times.
9. Now take your choice of paint and colour it.

10. It's ready to use make it a jewel bowl or just using for decoration.


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